Running an Integration

Learn how to run a workflow in Laminar

Building workflows

Laminar makes it easy to build and maintain integrations by breaking them down into the following sequence of tasks:

  1. Describe API endpoints that need to be connected

  2. Create necessary workflows for the APIs being integrated

  3. Describe data transformations, control flow and API requests in flows that run in sequence as part of workflows

  4. Execute workflows by calling Laminar's API and complete your integrations without needing to write custom code.


  1. Debug failing workflows with flow runs

  2. Try individual parts of an integration with Laminar's editor

  3. Test data transformations on Laminar's playground

  4. Receive notifications for critical integration failures

  5. Configure retry mechanisms for workflows

Executing a workflow

All executions of workflows are done by making a POST request to the /workflow/execute/external endpoint.

Workflows can optionally be passed a body via this POST request as input data for an execution which will be available to each flow under the .input key.

An API key is required to have been generated for the executing workspace and should be provided either via the X-API-KEY header, or via the api_key query parameter.

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